HalSail provides the best software to score sailing races. It lets you compute, display and store your results.
HalSail publishes results immediately on its website with phone compatible formatting.
HalSail's great strength is its ease of use. Race officers have to get results out quickly and have no time to learn complicated software.
HalSail is widely used for national and international championships, as well as club racing and open meetings.
HalSail is fully compatible with the Racing Rules of Sailing 2025 - 2028.
HalSail can analyse each boat's performance relative to its handicap and the turnout statistics of each fleet.
HalSail contains the latest IRC certificates together with Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) and National Handicap Scheme for Cruisers (NHC) base numbers from the RYA and the handicaps from Australian Sailing and the Small Cat Scheme.
HalSail provides all the functionality you need to enter, edit and view results entirely on-line. It has the same basic structure as Hal's Race Results and works with any device that has a browser. HalSail is a paid-for service, but with a free introductory period.
HalSail Immediate Results - On the water entry option
HalSail Cloud based from anywhere - Committee Boat , Clubhouse , Armchair at home!
HalSail Supported, Updated - No user updates needed
HalSail Archiving, Stats & Management
HalSail Integration PY IRC Sailevent
Hal's Race Results was the original Hal program.
It would have been installed on a PC where it ran off-line without an internet connection. Hal's Race Results was free for any club or organisation to use.
Unfortunately times have moved on and we can no longer support the product.
If you have been a loyal user you have our thanks! But we would love you to move on to Halsail - it's an easy migration and we can help you if needed.
Please contact support@halsail.com if you require any help.